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The Hair Game

Feb 22, 2021

Hairstylist and educator Carly Zanoni struggled her entire first year of booth rental. Building a clientele became her number one focus, and has now achieved success along with becoming a Schwarzkopf ambassador and a part of the BTC team. She shares what worked for her then, and what works now in the Instagram era.


Feb 15, 2021

Accountant Michelle Cook @smallbusinesscpa breaks down the requirements of the second PPP grant and how to apply. She also gives us lots of info & advice on the tax implications of this and any unemployment benefits received this past year. 

This Week's Topics:

• The new PPP situation: what are the specifics? Who...

Feb 8, 2021

Daytime Emmy winner and AIA nominee Ray Christopher took an early opportunity on set with Prince and never looked back. He discusses with us the highs and lows of set life, and what it takes to be successful in this highly coveted sector of our industry.

This Week's Topics:

• How an early gig on-set with Prince...

Feb 1, 2021

Fred Jones, Chief Counsel of the Professional Beauty Federation of California, sued Gavin Newsom & the CA state gov't during the first shutdown of California salons. Within days of filing, salons & barbershops were reopened... and they just recently did it again. 

This Week's Topics:

• Intro to the PBFC: raising...