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The Hair Game

Jun 29, 2020

How creative do you get to be at your salon? @nealmhair found that he needed his independence to fully express his creativity behind the chair. We chat with him about the move to indie hairdressing as well as his move to LA and how he built a clientele.


• Getting past a troubled youth⁠

• His experience...

Jun 22, 2020

Holistic Nutritionist Derek Johnson @derekjohnsonnutrition breaks down the unhealthy aspects of a hairdresser's food and drink habits. We go through a typical day for a hairdresser and where they can improve their food choices. He offers advice on handling caffeine, alcohol, and sugar cravings. He also explains the...

Jun 15, 2020

Salon owner & educator Jacob Khan reopened his salon over a month ago. We discuss the protocols he is following as well as how clients are handling the new requirements. He also shares his thoughts on how the Covid crisis has split the industry and his hopes for a recovery.

We discuss

• His Fancy online education...

Jun 8, 2020

Naeemah LaFond explains the most effective tactics for getting into editorial work. We also get into her guide for how brands and industry decision makers can take action to better support black hairstylists.

We discuss:⁠

• How she found her way to hair⁠

• Editorial & Set Work: how to build your portfolio and...

Jun 1, 2020

What should you expect when you go back to work? ⁠
Daniel Mason Jones re-opened his salon a few weeks back and has some great advice and tips for stylists navigating the 'new normal'.

We discuss:

• The decision to close his salon before the mandate occurred⁠

• Focusing on his employees and trying to ensure their...